直資學校 |
全面評鑑報告的增值描述 |
高增值 “the highest value-added results” |
高增值 “high value added indexes in many subjects” |
高增值 “far exceeded the expected level” |
高增值 “far exceeded the expected level” |
正增值 “exceeds the expected level” |
正增值 “above the average for schools with a similar intake” |
正增值 “exceeded the expected level” |
正增值 “exceeded the expected level” |
正增值 “performed well in the three core subjects” |
正增值 “Academic value-added performance is found in……” |
維持 “met the expected level” |
維持 “met the expected level” |
維持 “met the expected level” |
低增值 “slightly below the expected level” |
低增值 “slightly below the expected level” |
低增值 “略低於預期水平” |
負增值 “below the expected level” |
負增值 “低於預期水平” |
- Yanamami 11-2-9 08:46
- How about Holy Trinity in SSP?
- ChiChiPaPa 11-2-10 06:43
- You may refer to the list of value-added schools published in SingTao in year 2000, well before the EDB discourages announcements of value-added information. Holy Trinity is one of the value-added schools. http://ks.hkcampus.net/~ks-jtws/value/sindex.htm
- Jack 11-2-22 00:00
- How about GT college ??
- ChiChiPaPa 11-2-23 00:30
- GT的全面評報告在07/08學年出,當時GT的中學未有畢業生,而剛過去的2010年只是第一屆的畢業生,所以目前難以確定她的增值效能。